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Software Engineering Technician - Ильинские сауны
+7 (499) 380-69-69
село Ильинское, Горная улица


Software Engineering Technician

Civil Engineering plays a key part in the creation and protection of our structural environment. If you are interested in the planning, design and construction of all forms of infrastructure and have a passion for building strong relationships with clients and contractors then Civil Engineering is for you. A Civil Engineering qualification will provide the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, design and manage the construction of various infrastructure including residential, commercial and industrial buildings; roads, rail, dams and bridges. You will also acquire the technical knowledge and skills to draft plans, survey sites and compile engineering reports. There is great demand for technically trained Civil Engineers in New Zealand and worldwide or do further degree study. Tutors also work with local industry to provide real world experiences as part of the programme.

This course is Campus based
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